Metalzone: First of all I’d like to welcome you in For  the team of Metalzone it’s always refreshing to discovering bands that sound exactly like you. Give us a bio of the band (formation, lineup, releases, record label)
LineUp: Vocals – Pauly, Guitars – Äxxl, Guitars – Oli G., Bass – Niki, Drums – Aaron


Formation: Äxxl and me started the band in 2013 but we always had the dream of STALLION since we have been sharing a flat and anything else for 6 years, haha. We couldn´t find the right people cause we always had a special concept of the band and it´s sound so we decided to first write, record, produce and release our first EP “Mounting the World” all by ourselves. We did it and the reaction of the scene just blew us away. So we formed the whole lineup with good friends from other bands and that´s it. Together we wrote and recorded our first Full Length Album “Rise and Ride” which is just about to come out on High Roller Records on September 12th, hell yeah. We recorded and produced it together with the famous Patrick Engel and we are very excited about this release, we really hope it kicks some asses, haha.



Metalzone: As mentioned before your sound is in the vein of heavy metal. Tell us about your musical influences and why you decided to present an 80s heavy metal sound in 2014.
\r\nPauly: Well, is there any other metal sound than the true 80s-Sound? Just kidding… We are all big fans of different Bands like Running Wild, Accept, Warrant (Ger), Sodom, Savatage, Helloween, etc. and it´s just natural for us to keep this spirit alive in our music. We don´t want to be a wanna-be-project that just copies what is already there but we try to combine different sounds and styles cause that´s what we want to hear from bands ourselves. That´s the reason why we always change styles between Speed Metal, Hard Rock and some Thrash Metal Parts as well.


Metalzone: You seem to have some sort of admiration for Canadian metal even though you come from Germany. Tell us about it.
\r\nPauly: Yeah, the song “Canadian Steele” is kind of a tribute to some friends of ours in Canada, I think you call them Skull Fist, haha. We met them a couple of years ago and since then we share a deep friendship with these motherfuckers. There´s a lot of fucking awesome young bands over there just like Striker, Axxion, Cauldron, Iron Kingdom, Riot City and so on.




Metalzone: Was it easy to convince a record label to trust your music? Was is it easy getting a record deal?
: Well, actually we had a lot of label requests pretty soon after we put our first two songs on YouTube and Facebook but we kept waiting cause no contract seemed to be the right thing for us. We have been a little distrustful because we used to had some bands before STALLION and none label ever cared about our requests and this time they wrote to us and that was something really strange for us, haha. That´s why we decided anyway to release our first EP all by ourselves just to show the scene that it´s possible and that you can make it if you really want to. Then someday High Roller Records came along with a pretty fair deal and they supported us exactly the way we wanted to be supported and so we signed. If you take a look at the bands they have under contract you will have to confirm that this label is the right family for us.


Metalzone: Now tell us a few things about your upcoming album "Rise and Ride" which is set to be released on the 12th of September 2014. 
\r\nPauly: Yeah, it´s going to be awesome. We tried to make it as varied as possible so you can find Hard Rock Tracks on it as well as some Speed Metal Hymns like “Wild Stallions” or at least one Thrashing Track called “Stigmatized”. I put a lot of happenings around the band in the lyrics and we wrote all the tracks together with the new guys in the band (despite “Canadian Steele” and “The right one”) so I´m really excited about what the scene will think about it. We already had a lot of good feedbacks from magazines and stuff like that but I´m more interested in what the fans think, you know.


Metalzone:You have been touring all summer long, are you going to continue touring in support of your album and if so where to ?
\r\nPauly: Yeah, we had a lot of awesome shows like the famous Metal Assault and Keep it true – Festival, and for sure Hell´s Pleasure Festival. In fact we are looking fucking forward to our first European Tour in Autumn with 24 Shows all over Europe with Bullet and Striker, hell yeah. It´s going to be awesome. Unfortunately the tour won´t make it to Greece which is a fucking shame but I really hope we´ll make it next time so please don´t worry my friends!!!





Metalzone :  Talking about live gigs, what response have you had from your audience. Have you already formed a fan following? Do people enjoy your music? How do they react to it? Are they investing in you?
We are so fucking happy about what the people do for us. Every time we play live they just go crazy and a lot of fans also know the lyrics to each and every song we play which is unbelievable! There´s a lot of fans who try to catch every concert and they support us just as hard as possible. The first edition of our EP was sold out in the first 3 months and we shipped it all around the world, it´s just mind blowing. We also sold a lot of shirts which is quite important for us cause that´s how we pay our gasoline and stuff like that to come to the shows, you know. It´s fucking important so we can afford traveling around and I want to thank each and everyone of you crazy motherfuckers out there!!!



Metalzone: Being the vox monster in front of the mike tell us about your influences. Who has been an inspiration to you?
Well, my favorite singer is Jon Oliva from Savatage. The lyrics he wrote and the way he sings his songs makes me cry sometimes, haha. But I like a lot of different styles, so mostly all great singers have an influence on me by the way they perform and sing. Dee Snider, Michael Kiske, David Lee Roth, Freddy Mercury, Paul McCartney, … I could go on like that for hours, haha.




Metalzone: Imagine you have the chance to talk to the listeners if your new album. What is the one thing you would tell them to take notice of before playing the cd?
: I would advise them not to think too much. Just let the music do the talking and feel the energy it brings to you, let it out!


Metalzone: Thank you for your time, we wish you all the best and we remain open to repeating this communication as soon as some news come up. We’ll be waiting. If you want send a message to the readers….
Always keep it true and don´t let the people bring you down. Stand up for what you feel! And thank you so fucking much for supporting us, you are the best!!! The STALLION will ride on, join us!




Elena Mihailidou


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