
October 30, 2011
VIGOUR - Nathir

\r\n- Κλασική αρχή Βασίλη, πες μας μερικά λόγια για τους Vigour. Πότε ξεκίνησε η μπάντα, κλπ.

October 17, 2011

\r\n- Χαιρετώ κάφροι. Δώστε μας ένα σύντομο βιογραφικό των Decomposed Existence..

October 12, 2011
RAW IN SECT - Kostas

\r\n- Καλώς σας βρήκαμε παίδες στο Δώστε ένα γρήγορο βιογραφικό της μπάντας μιας και θεωρητικά είστε φρέσκο αίμα..

September 27, 2011
WARLORD - Bill Tsamis

\r\nWARLORD mainman Bill Tsamis recently had a live discussion with Kostas \r\nPurevil Kyriakakis on Metalzone radio show. Amongst the topics of \r\ndiscussion Bill mentioned he is currently working on new material and he\r\nhas every intention of releasing it whether a record label is \r\ninterested in releasing it or not.
\r\nHe talks about his views on \r\nmusic and the way his perspective drives him in composing. Listen to the\r\nentire discussion on the link below \r\n

August 27, 2011

Given the chance by the latest smoking release of the mighty POERWOLF Elena Mihailidou had the chance to interview Charles Greywolf, bassist of the infamous band that is preaching Metal Is Religion. Being truly faithful and religious in that manner we had no choice but to ask for the Blood Of The Saints….

July 20, 2011
GENNA APO KOLO - Xristos, Orestis.

\r\n- Kαλώς ήρθατε στο παίδες, λέω να ξεκινήσουμε με κλασική εισαγωγική ερώτηση σχετικά με την ιστορία της μπάντας μέχ&

July 05, 2011
VERMINGOD - Aris Andrikopoulos

\r\nΜεταλλομάνα η Πάτρα, είμαι πεισμένος!

June 25, 2011
AENAON - Astrous, Achilleas C.

\r\nΟι\r\nAenaon αποτελούν ισχυρή δύναμη στον ακραίο ήχο.

May 04, 2011

\r\nBritish death metal newcomers Unfathomable Ruination are ready to show the world what they’re made of. Blasting death metal all the way! We contacted the band for further details...enjoy! \r\n


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March 16, 2011
GORGASM - Kyle Christman

\r\n Gorgasm returns from its slumber only to butcher more anaware ears. We talked with Kyle to learn the latest of the us butchers....\r\n


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\r\n- Welcome to Your first time on this page so, tell us about the recordings of your new butchering masterpiece and a short bio of the band.. \r\n


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